Searching for George Gordon Meade: The Forgotten Victor of Gettysburg.
Tom Huntington. 406 pp. Stackpole Books. 2013.
I’ve just finished an interesting
story about a man whose name I knew but whose exploits I was only vaguely
familiar with. Who doesn’t know that Meade was a general in the Civil War and
won some significant battles, including Gettysburg?
Very few, according to the author
of this book, and that’s why he set out to set the record straight. He did it
in a slightly different way. Rather than write a regular biography, he traveled
around the country to visit most of the battlefields and forts where Meade had
been. He was not surprised to discover that at many of those places Meade goes
unmentioned or is relegated to corner.
Meade not only won the Battle of
Gettysburg, he did it just three days after being put in charge of the Army of
the Potomac. He was, according to Huntington, a thinking man’s soldier. He did
not rush into battle, but considered his options, devised a plan and then
fought. In a couple of cases, wary of the circumstances, he did not fight and
that has tarnished his reputation. Some of the criticism is deserved, the
author points out, and also notes that it did not help Meade that he had quite
the temper.
What makes the book especially
readable is that we can in one paragraph be with Huntington at some site where
Meade fought and the next minute be with Meade at the same site. The author
blends the past and the present well.
Why did I know the name?
Well, my paternal grandmother was
a Meade, born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, as was her father, Thomas. His
father, Ambrose, was born in Cornwall, England. General Meade’s grandfather was
an Irish immigrant to Philadelphia, although the general was born while his
father was in Spain. Still, he maintained his Pennsylvania roots, died there
and is buried there.
However, as far as I know (and I
checked with a Meade cousin), we are not related. Still, it’s a good book.